This is my new blog to continue my journey with my Dales Ponies. It will also be the story of my building a new life for myself, alone now, except for my friends, horses and dogs, since my partner died in March 2009. We had lived and worked together, mostly twenty four hours a day, for nearly 28 years and I have never lived alone before. It is a tribute to my wonderful friends that I am still here, still sane(ish) and ready to re-invent myself. I love them all more than words can ever say and can never thank them enough for all they have done and are still doing. It is also a tribute to Alexandra Kurland and 'The Click That Teaches' that I know how to save myself now. To new beginnings.......

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

My Cows and Calves.


  1. Never really felt comfortable around cows myself. But yours are quite attractive and, dare I say it, cute.

    Love the focus Mom has on the camera....but it could be a bit intimidating. She looks "all business."

  2. Thank you Jean! She's actually a big old softie and would go anywhere or do anything for food but she was wondering why I was crouching down to take the photos.

    They are the two youngest calves, 3 months and 6 weeks, but they've got quite some trousers on them, as they say!

  3. The white cows are my two old Carolais's who I hand reared 14 and 16 years ago. They are just pets now but are halter trained and a very good influence on the others, so indespensable.

  4. That should have read Charolais!
